Tom Collins
I’m feeling a bit drunk from Tom Collins ~ and not in a good way. Seemed like a simple task: make an individual history page for Thomas Collins (?-1722). Yes . . . except there are roughly a jillion Collins people running around Somerset County in the middle of the eighteenth century, and it’s no…
An Object Lesson
My plan today was to add an ‘individual history’ page for Thomas Collins (?-1722) because yesterday I added an image of his administration account to one of my pages and I figured why not start there? But instead this has turned into a little lesson about the pitfalls of relying on indexes. I’ll cut out…
Hold On To Your Hats
Well. I just listened in on an OIEAHC Coffeehouse about the Slave Societies Digital Archive [check it out here] and good golly, am I excited about the possibilities for my data. It’s true, I had never heard of Transkribus (because although I don’t really live in a cave or under a rock, I often behave…