Category: Explanations
Hold On To Your Hats
Well. I just listened in on an OIEAHC Coffeehouse about the Slave Societies Digital Archive [check it out here] and good golly, am I excited about the possibilities for my data. It’s true, I had never heard of Transkribus (because although I don’t really live in a cave or under a rock, I often behave…
Working to Add Content
I created a page for Administration Accounts the other day — I’m a little astonished about the quantity of names I’ve extracted from the Somerset County series. Lots of repetition, of course. Seems like everybody had to make payments to Madam Betty Gale or Madam Mary Hampton — one of these days I’ll upload a…
Today’s Task(s)
Learning how to do this just as fast as we can . . . today is about building more pages — and Jean sure would like to add some actual content, but does it make more sense to create templates first? Tough questions.
Perhaps I Need More
to get an idea of how this works . . . plus it is clear that every post will need an image to work with this layout
Hello world!
Welcome to the new iteration of Snow Hill Solutions . . . where we try to make it all work together. Editing and indexing services we offer? Check. Research and writing we’ve done? Coming soon. Historical data and family history? We’ve got scads, and we’re doing our damnedest to get it up and ready for…